Parent IB Corner
What is IB?
The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) is a worldwide curriculum aimed to develop the intellectual, emotional and physical potential of each child, in a secure and stimulating environment. IB’s mission statement strives to nurture young people who recognize that they are global citizens and who are motivated to make a positive impact in the world. The IB knows that young learners are intelligent, resourceful and creative individuals who grow, develop and learn at different rates. They explore their environment and learn about their world through play and relationships with peers, teachers, family and community members.
The IB is different from other curricula because they:
encourage students of all ages to think critically and challenge assumptions
develop independently of government and national systems, incorporating quality practice from research and our global community of schools
encourage students of all ages to consider both local and global contexts
develop multilingual students.
A driving force behind the PYP is the philosophy of international-mindedness. The subject areas of math, language, science, social studies, information technology, the arts, physical education and library are taught through six transdisciplinary themes, meaning they focus on issues that go across subject areas.
These Transdisciplinary Themes are:
Who we are.
Where we are in place and time.
How we express ourselves.
How the world works.
How we organize ourselves.
Sharing the planet.
Students are asked to make connections between life in school, life at home and life in the world. These connections contribute to the development of the attitudes that contribute to international mindedness. Students are encouraged to put what they have learned into practice through service to the school community, the local community and the global community. The PYP nurtures independent learning skills, encouraging every student to take responsibility for their learning.
Students' IB journey culminates in the 5th Grade IB Exhibition, full-day demonstration applying all they have learned, the attitudes and behaviors they have developed, as well as the skills students have developed over their entire schooling experience.
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