Lend your time & talents
Lexington appreciates its parent volunteers! Parents are invited to volunteer their time in a variety of areas: Home and School Club positions and committees (fundraising, community events, student and parent support), classroom helpers, art helpers, library helper, and many one-off events. To increase school safety, all parents are asked to sign in in the office when helping in their child's classroom or with a school-wide function. Parents are also asked to wear a visitor's badge designating that they are a helper on campus.
* To volunteer you will need to complete the volunteer application here.

School and Program Help
Help Needed
Room Parents
Parent liaisons in each class who organize class parties and activities, and send out reminders about field trips or other special class activities.
Look out for your room parent's info-packed emails, and help out when they call for volunteers.
Life Lab Parents
Work with your child's class on ecology-based science projects in the garden. Help build and maintain our burgeoning Lex Life Lab program.
1-2 parents per classroom needed.
2-3 projects per year.
Leah Stern
School Site Council Parent Representative
Provide a parent perspective on Lex's School Site Council.
Attend 6 meetings per school year
Jason Deppong, Principal
Kiln Parents
Work with your child's class on clay projects twice per year.
1-2 parents per classroom needed.
Green Team
Dedicated to promoting green & sustainable programs at Lex.
So many ways to help! Garden, composting, assisting the student Green Team, Beautification Days and more.
Project Cornerstone
A YMCA program that uses children’s literature to build positive relationships, opportunities, values, and skills, known collectively as Developmental Assets.
3 hours per month, including 40-minute training on the selected book (1st Friday of the month), lesson prep, and classroom lesson (arranged with teacher).
Running Club
Help the kids count their laps as they run for fitness!
Volunteers needed to assist on Thursday mornings.
Grant Writing
Seek grant money to support school programs and projects.
Chair needed. 10-15 hours per year.
Community Sponsor Program
Culitvate sponsorships from local businesses to support Lex HSC. Can raise $7500 per year or more!
Chair needed. 5-10 hours per year.
Yard Duty
Supervise kids during lunchtime, allowing teachers more time for lesson planning and classroom prep that benefits all students.
Help needed Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 12:00-12:50 pm.
Jill Mayo
River Rock Art Project
Help new Lex students paint their own river rock to add to our art project in the Lex Life Lab.
Chair needed. 2-3 hours per year.
Assist in the library when classes visit.
Volunteers needed to assist weekly for 1-2 hours on Fridays at lunch time.
Gather pictures of your child's class for the yearbook.
Co-chair needed. Volunteers needed for each classroom to take, collect, and organize pictures.
Trash Free Tuesday & Thursday
Support our students' efforts to reduce lunch waste!
Chair needed. 1-4 hours per month.
Parenting Continuum Liaison
Help bring socio-emotional education and support to the Los Gatos community. See Parenting Continuum web site for more information.
Monthly meetings
Contact Volunteer Coordinator with any questions.