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Lex Jog-a-Thon Breaks Records

Updated: Jan 7, 2019

The color was flying, the music was pumping and friends & family were cheering at the Chase the Rainbow Color Run.

Lex students ran their hearts out at the 2018-19 Jog-a-Thon on Oct 12, 2018.  They knew there were some great prizes on the line and they were raising money to benefit their school. 

Not only did the event raise a whopping $22,000 to benefit Lexington students, but we had a record-setting 84% participation rate.  Two classes -- Ms. Julia's First Grade and Ms. Fountain's Second/Third -- reached an amazing 100% participation rate and will be enjoying a special In-N-Out lunch.  First grader Stavros was the grand prize winner of our raffle for a Nintendo Switch.

A huge thank you to all the families, neighbors and friends who pledged their support for our kids and to the many parents who came out to lend a hand at the event.


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